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Vision of Help

Online and Telephone Counselling - Romford, London

Welcome to

Vision of Help

Creating an open and honest, non-judgemental, and safe space to express your experiences

Counselling and therapy for individuals

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Vision for Help.

My name is Temi. I am an integrative Counsellor/ Psychotherapist with a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling. I work towards and seek to establish an open and honest dialogue with my clients while creating a non-judgemental, safe space for my clients to express and communicate their experiences, needs and challenges. Developing a trusting and authentic therapeutic relationship is an extremely important element to my services. The desire to be heard, seen and supported is universal and often ignites the wisdom within us humans that can result in growth, healing and change. I strive to listen carefully, support/counsel, and empower my clients in their own abilities and self-determination to find the answers and path that is right for them.

Temitope Adeshina Headshot

As an integrative counsellor, I use various methods and concepts from Person Centred Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy and Transactional Analysis Therapy aimed at honouring each client as a unique individual with their own personal experiences and needs. Actively listening and understanding my clients experiences (both past and present) is an essential and ongoing focus in the therapy process with me. Focusing on mind- body connection, the present moment/ mindfulness, and acceptance, as well as coping skills, problem-solving, emotional learning and self-compassion are all significant parts of my work with clients.

I am a registered member of BACP (British Association of Counselling and psychotherapy). I adhere to their ethical framework at all times.

Taking that first step in reaching out for help can be very daunting but it can also be the start of something hugely positive and beneficial for you

How can counselling help?

Anxious about taking that first step? Not sure if counselling is for you? Worried about finding the right


It's ok, I get it! I've been there too, asking myself those same kinds of questions like; What if I hate it? How do I find someone who I feel comfortable talking to and who won't judge me? Where do I even start?

The fact that you are even here, looking at options, means you have taken that first step and that you are open to the prospect of finding help and support. That is a great start! Taking that first step in reaching out for help can be very daunting but it can also be the start of something hugely positive and beneficial for you. I’m here to help you take that step and to be with you on your journey.

I offer a confidential service, to help clients who are experiencing a range of issues, such as: Anger, Bereavement, Loss, Anxiety, Stress, Self-harm, Trauma, Childhood Abuse, Depression, Workplace Issues, and University work issues

I have experience working with different agencies such like Mind and place2to be as a volunteer counsellor. Currently working as a school counsellor in London.

I am a registered member of BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy). I adhere to their ethical framework at all times.

Vision of Help in London

Open & Honest

I work towards and seek to establish an open and honest dialogue with my clients to express and communicate their experiences, needs and challenges.

Trusting & Authentic

Developing a trusting and authentic therapeutic relationship is an extremely important element to my services.

Vision of Help in London

Non-Judgemental & Safe

Counselling takes place in a safe space, where you can meet with someone who will listen with sensitivity and empathy - and without judgement.

What issues can counselling help with?

People come to me for help a wide range of issues. Here are a few of the more common difficulties that can be supported through counselling:








Childhood Abuse


Workplace Issues and University work issue

Fees & Availability

Counselling sessions for individuals last 50 minutes, usually taking place on a weekly basis, and cost £50 per session. I also provide a limited number of spaces for those on low-income or for students; contact me to enquire about availability.

Initial assessment appointments last around 20 minutes.

Note that if you want to cancel an appointment I require 48 hours’ notice; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed. I accept payment by bank transfer.

Online & Telephone

I offer counselling virtually and via telephone to clients in Romford, Ilford, Basildon, Chelmsford, Epping, Waltham Abbey, Harlow, London and beyond.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can also call me on 07711 981356 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

Frequently asked questions

What's the difference between counselling and therapy?

Counselling is usually a good way to help with a current problem; something that can be discussed and - hopefully - resolved within a limited number of sessions. Over a certain number of weeks the understanding of the problem improves and away forward becomes clear. Therapy often describes work that goes a bit deeper, towards more substantial life issues and problems having a deeper effect on the client’s life. Therapy often requires a long-term approach, so the number of sessions can be open-ended.

Which option is most suitable depends on the client and the difficulties they are facing. In some cases counselling works well as an ongoing, longer-term option - or therapy can manage to resolve an issue in just a few sessions.

How long will I need to have counselling?

How long a period of counselling lasts will vary from person to person and depend on the depth of the issues they are facing. For some people a couple of sessions helps to bring their problems into focus, and they feel ready to move forward; other problems may require more of an open-ended approach.

Before we begin any work we will agree on the number of sessions we’ll undertake, and at the end of that number review our progress. As long as we both agree further therapy will be of benefit to you, sessions can continue.

How long will I have to wait for an appointment?

My aim is to offer a first appointment - known as an initial assessment - within 1-2 weeks. Then we would arrange a set number of counselling sessions to take place at the same time every week, that is convenient for you and where I have availabity. How quickly these sessions can begin will depend on the availabity of that free ‘slot’.

Will everything I say be kept confidential?

Everything that is said within the counselling room is private - this is one of the main ways counselling and therapy differ from talking to a friend or relative. Once you are comfortable with the format of weekly sessions and the safe space they provide, you will find the freedom to speak in confidence is of great value.

Note that there are some situations where you may be a risk to yourself or others, and there the law requires that I notify an authority; in these cases I may not be able to keep total confidentiality. Breaking confidentiality is very rare though, and only happens after the person concerned has been informed.

Can I bring a friend or relative with me?

Usually I am asked this question by people who are nervous about entering into counselling, or when they are looking for support in coming to see a therapist. This anxiety is understandable, but a key aspect of therapy is that you should feel free to talk about any issues you feel are important to you. Having someone else with you who can be connected those issues makes this opening-up more difficult, so for this reason I do not see clients accompanied by friends or family.

© Temitope Adeshina

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